Essen AN ISO 9001:2015 TUV India Pvt. Ltd. CERTIFIED COMPANY
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Our Team
Essen possesses a higly experienced, skilled and dedicated Team of Top & Senior management with expertise, succession planning, commitment and timely decisions, ability to find innovative solutions to all sorts of Challenges so as to provide customers satisfaction and derive good results.
  • Essen consists of Top Management of – MANAGING DIRECTOR, DIRECTOR (Technical) and sub-ordinates/skilled personnel in various disciplines at its Head Quarters (Visakhapatnam).
  • Vice-President(Business Development), General Manager (R&D) at the Regional Office & R&D Centre at Bangalore.
Mr. Satyanarayana Raju - Managing Director

Mr Satyanarayana Raju, one of the Founders of the Company, who is an Electronics & Communications Engineer.  During inception of his career, worked as Instrumentation Engineer in a Public Sector, where he was exposed to handle various operations such as Documentation, Material Control, Installations, Testing & Commissioning; and tackling with various agencies that include sub-contractors, customer inspection and also third party inspections like EIL.

Mr. Satyanarayana Raju, has initiated his own business with strong zeal and ardor and as a first generation business man / industrialist, his initial focus as well struggle was more on keeping the trust of the customers by giving the quality product & meeting the delivery schedules, which emerged the company as one of most reliable and dependable within its highly demanded customer base.   Under his stewardship, the company has diversified into several entities.   Mr. Satyanarayana Raju is man with exceptional business acumen with a view to getting success in all fronts.

Currently the main operations of the Managing Director are business development, overall administration, business expansion, future investment study and to endeavor to up-keep the turnover of the company in the years to come and the overall responsibility is for profitability and strategic growth of the organization

Mr. Swarup Kumar C - Technical Director

Mr. Swarup Kumar C, is also an Electronics & Communications Engineer.    He started his career as a design Engineer in one of the Private Sector and later on he shifted his motive to work hand in hand so as to and establish / develop an electronic systems based industry.  With this Moto in view, he had ultimately become another founder of Company.  Mr. Swarup’s simplicity, humility and maintaining a low profile are the hallmarks of the founder and his persistent efforts in preparing the technical inputs, estimations led to company’s challenges/targets.     

Mr. Swarup Kumar as a Director(Technical) held responsible for total technical guidance of the company, which includes Project as well Design Engineering - Software, CADs, Electronics, Electro-Mechanical, Out-sourcing, Testing and Integration. Quality Assurance is continuously monitored by him. He is also responsible for leading all project & design teams in preparation of specifications, drawings, technical documentation, preparation of Bill of Material, procuring of the required components / spare parts for various Projects, keeping cost consciousness in mind, etc.

Under their  able leadership and  in recognition of iconic services,  ESSEN has been conferred with awards  and recognitions - “Industry Appreciation Award” through Padmasri Dr. A Sivathanu Pillai, CC (R&D) for the year 2007 for the efforts and commitment in Development of PBAEM Target Detection System by  Indian Defense, and  “Commendation Certificate for the Golden Jubilee year 2008 of DRDO for valuable contribution in productionisation of few weapon Electronic systems”
Mr. K Subramanya - Vice President (Business Development)

A Mechanical Engineering Graduate who opted the career in Electronics Industry is a highly experienced professional having 28 years of experience in various discipline and in varied capacity from Engineer production to Head - Business development. Have established well in the industry with value addition for whatever the task taken up.  The responsibilities Managed are, as Manager production, maintenance (Additional responsibility for short period), Production planning control, Marketing and Head - Commercial  before diversifying to business development  activities in an Embedded Electronic design and development company as Head - Business Development for over 7 years as on date. During the overall tenure have managed the overall operations of a unit of Multilayer PCB manufacturing company in India for over 3 years.

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